Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Ryan Sorba on The Origin and Evolution of the Modern "Gay" Movement

(This is an old, rough draft version of the introduction to my upcoming book, The "Born Gay" Hoax.


Overcoming Sexual Abuse

            This book traces the origin and evolution of the modern homosexual subculture, political movement, and notion that some men and women are “born gay.” Further, this book makes the case that one of the most persistent forms of same-sex attraction has as its cause early-child or adolescent sexual abuse, perpetrated by either an adult, teen, or another child who was abused and then went on to teach other children what he or she learned from his or her perpetrator. Nevertheless, not all children who are abused develop same-sex attraction, especially those whose are more resilient and resilience becomes easier when child abuse is uncovered quickly and the child has a strong and supportive family and receives therapy. The case will also be made that therapy ought to always be encouraged to protect other children from the “victim to perpetrator cycle.”
This book goes on to make the case that some sexual abuse victims who develop same-sex attraction are able to cultivate a self-motive to change their same-sex attraction through effective therapy, particularly, therapy that encourages the development of understanding, insight, empathy, forgiveness, and seeking justice. These concepts, with very specific definitions in this context, aim to help the victim develop a self-motive to change by encouraging him or her to seek to learn who he or she truly is, independent his or her abuse experience –that is, independent of the patterns of thought and behavior that arose as a result of that experience.
Identifying these patterns starts with developing “understanding,” which encourages the victim not to blame him or herself for his or her abuse experience, which often confuses the victim about his or her sexuality. Oftentimes, a victim of abuse may convince him or herself that he or she “liked” the sex in order to feel “safe” and thereby “cope” with ongoing abuse, and this can lead to confusion about one’s own sexuality.
Next, through developing “insight,” the victim is encouraged to self-identify patterns of thought and action that arose because of his or her abuse experience. After identifying which, if any, thought and behavioral patterns arose as a result of sexual abuse, the victims can take back their personal freedom or autonomy from their perpetrator and their abuse experience, by consciously working to change those thought and behavioral patterns. By this method, a victim can take back real control over his or her safety, identity, and romantic feelings. The goal of this form of therapy is to help victims move on with their lives as free as possible from the effects of their abuse experience. When this victory is achieved, “victims” can begin to see themselves in a new light, as they really are, and as “survivors.”
This book goes on to make the case that after developing understanding and insight, all kinds of therapy traditions are effective at helping sexual abuse victims change their same-sex attraction and even gender identity –if the victim determines that these patterns of thought and behavior developed because of their abuse experience and develops a natural motive to change them after determining that those thought and behavioral patterns were caused by their abuse experience and are therefore not a part of who they really are. This book also makes the case that developing a self-motive to break free from the various effects of abuse is often hindered by denial, self-blame, shame, and the political hoax that claims everyone who self-identifies as “gay” was simply “born that way” and that therefore “change is impossible.” This is not true, as evidenced by thousands of ex-“gays.”  

The Origin of the Modern Homosexual Political Movement

In short, there was an increase in child and adolescent sexual abuse incidence during the 18th - 19th centuries. This increase in sexual abuse incidence was caused primarily by the Romanticist ideology and the occult revival that rose up out of it. During this time, various occult ideologues were taught to view transgressive sex acts, including same-sex intercourse and sex with adolescents and children, as: (1) paths of spiritual enlightenment and karmic evolution toward “divine androgyny”; (2) assimilation of youths into the occult subculture, (3) worship, and; (4) as a means to perform “sex magick.” Because one of the most persistent forms of same-sex attraction is caused by sexual abuse, the increased incidence in sexual abuse during this time led to a larger than usual population of young people developing a strong and persistent form of same-sex attraction.
In Germany, for example, myriads of sexually abused youths flocked to cities like Berlin, “like gnats to a bog,”[1] where they developed into a subculture starting in the 1850’s. In the following two decades, this burgeoning same-sex attracted subculture transformed into the world’s first sexual-political liberation movement, as members lobbied to repeal Paragraph 143 of the 1851 Prussian Penal Code which criminalized sodomy. They also lobbied to stop the newly unified German Penal Code from adopting the similar anti-sodomy law, Paragraph 175, in 1870-71. Germany’s unification motivated the movement because some newly annexed areas, like Hanover, for example, had no anti-sodomy law prior and the same-sex attracted subculture wanted to keep it that way.
This transition, from subculture to political movement, was led by Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, a German lawyer, author, theorist, and political activist who had himself been sexually abused at the age of fourteen by his thirty-year-old male horseback riding instructor. After being abused at fourteen Ulrichs, “first noticed signs of his homosexuality at fifteen.” Then, around age twenty-one, Ulrichs became the first person in recorded history to claim that he had been “born” same-sex attracted. Later, he wrote twelve pamphlets theorizing about why he had been “born that way,” and these pamphlets aimed to unify same-sex attracted people around a common identity so as to build public sympathy and support in their soon to be failed attempt to stop German lawmakers from adopting Paragraph 175 and criminalizing sodomy.
During this time, other members of the same-sex attracted subculture and burgeoning political movement disagreed with Ulrichs’ failed approach of claiming that sodomy laws should not be enacted because they had been “born that way.” One activist that disagreed with Ulrichs, for example, was Karoly Maria Benkert-Kertbeny, who coined the term “homosexual” in an open letter arguing against the adoption of the proposed new German sodomy law. Benkert-Kertbeny did not believe that Ulrichs’ proposed strategy of arguing that all individuals with same-sex attraction were  simply and strictly “born gay” would prove effective at stopping the sodomy law in Germany. Instead, Benkert-Kertbeny argued for a more sophisticated strategy, that of playing both sides of the issue in order to confuse the public. Benkert-Kertbeny wanted the public to fall into a consistent tension of debating about whether same-sex attraction is “always and only innate” or “always and only a voluntary choice.” By this method, Benkert-Kertbeny hoped to have his cake and eat it too: the public would sympathize with “homosexuals” because they had been “born that way” but they would not be able to criminalize or commit all “homosexual persons” to insane asylums because it was a “choice.” So Benkert wanted sympathy for being “born that way” without punishment for being “born destined for the brig.” Kertbeny himself was extremely worried about such punishment and desperate for the decriminalization of sodomy because he had himself molested multiple children, which he wrote about in his journal.

Although Benkert-Kertbeny’s strategy of confusion would not prove successful at stopping the German sodomy law in the 1,800s, his false-dichotomy has successfully turned the attention of history away from sexual abuse as one of the primary caauses of same-sex attraction, and toward frivolous and futile debate over whether same-sex attraction and behavior are “always and only inborn” or “always and only a voluntary choice” –neither of which is accurate. The implicit universality of this false dichotomy is made clear by the common modern argument, “Who would choose to be gay?” –insinuating it must therefore be universally inborn, and neglecting entirely the most common cause for same-sex attraction, which is child and adolescent sexual abuse by an adult, a teen, or another child who was abused, then taught his or her friends what he or she learned from his or her abuser, and all these things occur as a result of low resiliency, no therapy, and the “victim to perpetrator cycle.”

The Gay Movement Migrates to America
At the tail-end of WWI, a German-American named Henry Gerber travelled to Germany to work as a post-war journalist. While in Berlin, Gerber got involved with the same-sex attracted subculture and political movement in the city. Upon returning to the United States in 1923, he brought the ideas that Ulrichs, Benkert-Kertbeny, and Magnus Hirschfield had been circulating in Berlin back with him. He began to promote those ideas primarily through a magazine called Chanticleer, which often also contained pornographic images of children. During this time, Gerber was arrested on child-sexual abuse charges, after being turned in by his wife. One of the boys he is purported to have abused was Champ Simmons, who, also appears to have become ensnared in the victim-to-perpetrator cycle (a cycle that all victims of sexual abuse ought to take into consideration by seeking therapy after being abused, for the sake of themselves and others). Champ Simmons is purported to have gone on to sexually abuse a boy named Henry (Harry) Hay, who had been previously abused, and also went on to develop same-sex attraction and advocate for man-boy sex as an adult.
Hay went on to work as an American communist party organizer for eighteen years. Eventually, he was kicked out of the party, however, after leaders learned he was same-sex attracted and actively engaging in same-sex intercourse. At this time, Hay turned primarily to homosexual activism instead. He used the communist party organizing skills he developed to organize homosexual activist cells across the United States. Each was kept secret from the other, however, so Hay could retain power and avoid infiltration and blackmail. The next three books in this series, “The ‘Born Gay’ Hoax,” will explore how Marxist political activists bullied the American Psychiatric Association, and performed false studies which purported to “prove” individuals were “born gay,” in order to use them in court to overturn anti-sodomy laws in the United States.  


This is a summary of the origin and early-evolution of the modern homosexual sub-culture, political movement, and the idea that some are simply “born gay.” The movement originated and developed in Europe during the late-18th – 19th-century occult revival, after a period of increased child and adolescent sexual abuse, then migrated to the United States, where same-sex attraction spread through sexual abuse and the homosexual political movement spread through the word ex-communist party organizers. This is the how the modern “gay movement” originated and evolved into what it has become today.

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